Join Izabela Murtagh, Scotland's most enthusiastic commuter, for the May installment of Towpath Talks at the Towpath Cafe above Biketrax.
In Part 1, Neil Henderson tells us about racing in the Transcontinental Race in 2019 and 2020, and recounts his experience participating in the Atlas Mountain Race in 2020. He gives advice on getting into ultra-racing and tells plenty of anecdotes from his adventures.
In Part 2, we talk to Kerry Macphee, pro mountain biker and Commonwealth Games competitor for Scotland. Kerry tells us about winning the Highland Trail 550 and the Land Between in 2024, and discusses how it feels to hold one of the fastest known times for the West Highland Way. She advocates for more inclusivity in cycling, promoting safe spaces for all riders.
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Check out our other #towpathtalks here